Monday, December 05, 2005

Why hello,

After the meeting last might I was able to do a lot of work on the wiki. I edited a little bit and made the site a little more user friendly. If there are things that you see that need to be changed and done over, or things that I need to do a bit more work on, let me know or we can go over it when we meet again on Thursday night. Hope you all are doing well on your finals and papers.

Our site is looking quite well, I must say. I am glad that just peacemaking is going to make it into the site. It is something that I looked into early on but forgot about in the later wiki posts. I dont know if there was any more feedback from the class as to what we might do more to our site. From the ones we have been over, it seems that we are doing well in answering their questions and concerns.

I really appreciate all the hard work that went in to this project from each one of you. The discussions have been vibrant and enlightening. Your openess and sincerity of the issues was helpful, I think, to bring together what we did on our project. So again, thanks!


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